ALFA Free Amino Acid 13%


Total total amino acids = 45%

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    • Overcoming frost conditions that cause the entire plant to burn, preventing the concentration of elements in the plant, and striking a balance between them. Overcoming the phenomenon of load exchange and reducing the harmful effects of the difference between day and night temperatures.
    • Resistance to stress resulting from increased or decreased humidity and increased plant resistance to the concentration of salts in the soil and irrigation water (amino proline acid)
    • Overcoming the harmful effects of dust storms and increasing plant resistance Diseases and stress resulting from them.
    • Amino acids are also useful in creating a nutritional balance for the plant, as it is possible.
    • If the percentage of one element exceeds the limit required for the plant and the percentage of another element decreases, then amino acids work to balance this imbalance. Activating flower buds, which leads to reducing the occurrence of the phenomenon of load exchange in some plants (floating).


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